Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? #18

Just to give a rough quantitative summary of what a job search can look like (for those who don’t/didn’t do the whole ACPA/NASPA Placements):

I’ve applied for approximately 40 positions (including AmeriCorps VISTA positions).

I’ve had:

7 phone interviews

7 on-campus interviews (2 of which skipped the phone interview step)

1 offer (AmeriCorps), which I turned down

I do not know how typical this is, as far as numbers go, but it’s an example.

Otherwise, not much is new. I have been playing phone tag with the Director from AMC. Since he hasn’t been insistent about calling me back I am assuming he is NOT offering me the position I interviewed for. Disappointing. I have one more on-campus interview next week and I should hear back from the other two institutions where I interviewed within the next week.


  1. They say its the 1/3, 1/3, 2/3 rule

    1/3 of the positions you apply to give you a phone interview.

    1/3 of the phone interviews give you on campus interviews

    2/3 of your on campus interviews will result in offers.

    That's the brief Housing rule... maybe different for other student affairs.


  2. I'm applying for anything but housing... (but hoping for international student advising/study abroad etc) Have applied to 60 positions, and have received interviews for 4 of them. Received second interview for all of the 4 (one of which is next week) but no offers yet. Have been searching for 3.5 months.

  3. I have a question for the Anonymous commenter hoping to go into international student advising and study abroad.

    After graduation, I will be doing the same. Do you have any tips or advice about searching for a job in international education or how it may differ from other fields in higher education?

  4. So...why did you turn down the VISTA position you were offered? Just curious. I don't think you mentioned it before. I thought VISTA was one of your top choices.
