Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pat #9: So.... how's the weather?

I got off that plane and found The Director waiting for me by the front door. I wore a suit on the plane, which was very wrinkled and not-very-sharp-looking at that point. I made a pit stop in the bathroom to freshen up as much as humanly possible after spending 12 hours in an airport.

I'm not sure what I was expecting... perhaps a sign with my name on it, just like in the movies. It was a small airport, so there were only two people waiting by the gate (meaning I had a 50/50 chance). The Director met me with a smile, a handshake, and a "You must be Pat." She must have known, I was the only person in the place who wasn't wearing sweat pants.

The next 24 hours were super intense, but for some reason, I wasn't as stressed as I imagined I would be. The Director and I had dinner that night, and she told me not to be nervous. We ate a delicious meal and compared our Myers-Briggs types. I really liked her and I was starting to get the vibe that she liked me, too. After dinner, she dropped me off at my hotel and we parted ways for the evening.

Day two, The Director picked me up from the hotel and we made the ONE HOUR DRIVE to campus. Let me tell you, I had to learn to be a small talker very quickly. I tend to be a person who is okay with silence-- perhaps a job interview isn't the time for peace and quiet.

The first thing on the agenda was an interview with the Chancellor of Student Affairs-- not intimidating at all, right? Psshhht. She was very pleasant and things went very well. Afterward she shooed me next door to the Vice Chancellor's office. I had spoken to the V.C. during my initial phone interview. We chatted about the campus and how she started out in student affairs. I felt very comfortable with these people... and I normally don't feel comfortable around anyone in that short amount of time.

Next, I got a tour of the campus, the office, and met the staff. The GA and the Administrative Assistant had a few questions for me, and oddly enough, this was the most formal part of my day. They were the only people who asked me traditional interview questions.

Lunchtime was awkward. My introversion was starting to become apparent and I was running out of things to say. Everyone kept asking me the same questions and I already asked most of mine. I didn't have much else to say-- I was in trouble.

My mind was racing, inside I was screaming, "SAY SOMETHING!!!!" But I had nothing. Finally, the V.C. asked the dreaded, "If you could pick any super-human power, what would it be?" question. I was actually relieved, because it finally opened up the conversation and we all took a shot at it.

I left the lunchroom feeling like maybe I wasn't doing as well as I thought.

... to be continued.

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