Friday, March 27, 2009

Pat #8: Progress!

Before I update you about my week, let me give you a tidbit of interview advice:

Know your theory. During each of my phone interviews, I was asked about theory and how it relates to the job. About theory and how I use it. About assessment instruments and how they are interpreted. So don't blow them off and tuck them in the back of your mind. You may be asked about them, you may not. But don't you want to be ready if they do?

***As you know, I couldn't tell how my first phone interview with "SPU" went (and I still can't). To be perfectly honest, I don't expect them to be calling any time soon. But ya know, that is okay. I am starting to weigh the "glitz and glamour" of being offered that first job with "can I really be happy there?" SPU is not exactly an environment where I think I would fit.

A few days later, I had an interview with SRC. I was extremely nervous because the Director told me I would be speaking with a search committee comprised of seven people. Much to my suprise, they were very lax, cracking jokes and genuinely wanting to get to know me. They asked me a large number of follow up questions about the work I've done, which leads me to believe these are areas where this office needs improvement.

I just got a good vibe, period.

This is a school where I could see myself working. It is a medium-sized institution in a small town setting, which is where I feel most comfortable. Again, the people I spoke with were amazing, and they are administrators who work closely with that office. I asked what the timeline was for their search and they said they would be making a decision by the end of the week.

Five days of waiting? I can do that.

But lo' and behold, it wasn't five days. It was less than 24 hours. They called me the next day extending an offer for a campus interview. The Director explained the interview process, key people I would be meeting, and asked me if I would mind giving a brief workshop presentation. *Gulp* Sure. I was so excited that I forgot to ask her some important questions.

My flight is booked, hotel reserved, and now I'm working on a stellar presentation. Something about this just feels good in my gut. I'm hoping my gut isn't wrong. But hey, if it doesn't go well, at least I got to take a two-day trip to somewhere I've never been!

Okay, fine readers. I'm off to pack for ACPA where I hope to catch up with some colleagues, volunteer in the placement center, and network, network, network!

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything goes well during your campus interview. Have a blast at the conference. I hope to go sometime in the future.
